Kobe, Japan 4 Day Basketball Camp
Camp Info:
Location: Canadian Academy, Kobe, Japan (Rokko Island)
Date: Jauary 9th – January 12th (Thursday-Sunday)
Grades: 1-6 (9am – 1pm)
Cost per camper: $225
(Free Gear: Bags, Cotton T-shirt & Long Sleeve Dri-Fit Shirt)
Prizes for the winners of competitions:
-Free Throw
-Hot Shot Contest)
Example Schedule:
- 9am – 9:15am / Sign in
- 9:15am – 9:30am / Warm up
- 9:30am – 11am / Training (rotating stations focusing on different skills through repetitive drills)
- 11am – 11:30am / Free Throw Contest
- 11:30am – 11:50am / Break
- 11:50am – 12:20pm / Hot Shot Contest
- 12:20pm – 1pm / Scrimmage Games
- 1pm / Dismiss